
MyDallas is a city discovery app designed and built by me and my brother. My brother was the front end and backend developer while I designed the brand, application, and application assets while also running our social media marketing. I was also in control of all business development, and I also collected and created all of the data and content for the mobile app.


UX Designer
UI Designer
Business Development


City discovery was broken. Yelp is despised by restaurant owners, communication between restaurants and their customers is done through barely seen facebook pages, and most city discovery is still done through Instagram and blogs.

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We built a mobile app for city discovery and direct communication between local businesses and thier customers. Our goal was to answer the question "What's happening in Dallas?" as effectively as possible.

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Our two-man team and no marketing budget meant growing slowly at first and prioritizing usability over design.

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We marketed organically through our myDallas instagram account, ran some Instagram ads and held an in-app giveaway to celebrate our launch and encourage downloads.

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An Instagram story series I created called "Happy Hour Highlight" in order to share the details of a new happy hour around Dallas every week.


Our initial launch had two tabs: happy hours/daily deals and things to do. Since I was gathering all data manually our goal was to keep it as simple as possible while still being useful.

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There were only two tabs on the original version of MyDallas: Events and Deals. Both tabs looked identical (outside of a different color scheme) and had at the same UI/UX. This is the UX of the deals tab. Pressing on the deal flips the card to see the details of the deal. At the top are three filters: Location, Deal/Event Type, and Date. After every third card in the list was the horizontal scroll bar featuring things like our giveaways and our later added features.

Additional Features

We added new features over time as quickly as possible, including a weekly list of top activities in Dallas and also our own version of "best of Dallas" lists called Drop `10 lists.

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We had a huge app overhaul/update in the works and almost complete when COVID changed everything. We never released the update.

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We tried to adapt to the new environment by building resources for the new normal as quickly as possible. We released a website and backend for Dallasites to see what restaurants were delivering, doing takeout, etc.

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DTXT (Text-Bot)

Finally, we built a text bot to make accessing the extensive resources we had complied and put on our website in filterable lists even easier. We built the bot using Twilio Studio and Python and many hours of thinking of common phrases someone might use to ask for information in order to “teach” the bot. Someone could text essentially any form of a question about the information we had and get an answer.


MyDallas was a product that never really had a proper ending. Our paid ads campaign and newly redesigned app, with new features like a bucket list and user profiles, were just set to be released before COVID changed everything. With less than $200 of paid advertising, we had over 2,000 downloads and over 200 weekly active users within a few months of our release. Unlike RewardCoin, MyDallas gave us a chance to release a product into the app store that was actually used, and it was an exciting journey that taught us a lot about product design and marketing. However, our progress slowed once COVID hit and we decided ultimately that there were too many questions about when things would return to normal to continue working on MyDallas, so we decided to pivot once again rather than completely rebuild the mobile app to be useful in a city that was mostly shut down.

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